
Legend has it that while working on a top secret project in the Bermuda Triangle, scientist accidentally created a giant tornado. As the swirling vortex gained strength, it lifted the WonderWorks building from it’s foundation on a uncharted island and carried it hundreds of miles in the direction of Florida.
Suddenly, the violent tornadoes winds weakened and inadvertently dropped the building upside down haplessly perched upon an old building. Today highly protected secrets are open for the public to see. Enter the world of WonderWorks were your imagination will run wild.
Interactive Exhibits
Discover the ultimate in virtual reality when you design the roller coaster ride of your dreams. Get ready to take the limits off your personally designed high-speed coaster ride. With The Wonder Simulator, you create the ability loop over 360° in every direction. For a less intense experience, explore the all-new virtual submarine adventure that will submerge in the water without flipping upside –down.
Earthquake Simulators
Within the laboratory, scientists have simulated a 5.3 earthquake that occurred in San Francisco. Guest will be amazed with the sights and sounds of this devastating quake that crumbled building and bridges in 1989.
Hurricane Hole
Journey into the aftermath of a devastating category 1 hurricane. With wind-speeds of over 65 mph, WonderWorks immerses guests in a simulates a mild hurricane.
Anti Gravity Chamber
Experience la illusion of gravity as water travels in different directions with a strobe light. Is the water traveling down or up to the ceiling?
Famous Disasters
Be transported back to days gone by and experience some of the most devastating disasters recorded in history. As dramatic footage places your center stage, experience the drama, tragedy, and hope of the human condition.
Virtual Hoops
Here you have an opportunity to get into the big game. Find yourself face to face with one of the most formidable celebs in basketball. Become a star on the big screen as you play against the best athletes in the business.
Bubble Lab
A place where people dream and dreams come true, find yourself behind the controls of a bubble machine that makes bubbles that are larger than am man.
Velocity Tunnel
Be a top gun in baseball like Joba Chamberlain and see how fast you can throw a ball in the Velocity Tunnel. Choose your favorite major league baseball player to wind up the pitch. Compare pitch speeds with other competitors.
Mind Ball
Test your skill on this challenging bio feedback game for two based on EEG technology. Competitors wear a headband with electrodes while relaxing their minds in order to use their brain waves and move the ball across the table to the opposing side. Mindball is a game that goes against the conventional competitive concept.
The Outta Control Dinner Show
At WonderWorld, not only will you immerse yourself in a world of amazing wonders, but you can also take a break for a one-of-a-kind comedy magic show that will keep you on the edge of your chair. During the show, satiate your palate with unlimited pizza, beer, wine, and soda.
Lazer Tag
Get into the action as players face-off against other opponents in Lazer Tag. For all ages, this pulse-pounding game will stress your senses to the limit in the dark. Choose a team leader, devise a plan of attack, and hunt down the enemy. Utilize all your skills to keep from being hit by your opponents lazer.